Welcome Back
Hi and welcome back.
So what Have I been up to.
Well unfortunately I Now have a Herniated L4 /L5 Disc and low level sciatica ( Go me)
This happened about 6 weeks ago and left me in a bit of a situation. I am currently undergoing physio , so three different types of exercises a day to try and gently persuade my disc to pop back into place and work as it should.
What is a herniated disc. Well in laymans terms : There is a small sponge that sits inbetween the discs of your spine, consider it like suspension for your spine to help with impact.
Now the Sponge squeezes each time its pushed and it goes inwards towards your tummy.
However when its herniated it pushes in the opposite direction to the way it should go.
This causes discomfort and The sponge pushes on the Multiple nerves in your spine and this causes pain to travel down your leg ( in my case round to the front of my foot)
Now I am in a much better place Now and only ache slightly.
This did put a kibosh on my plans of a New website( Now on Hold) so I reverted to the original site.
I have been updating but not as regularly as I would have liked.
Although the Blog went on a slight Hiatus in terms of productivity I have been busy being creative in other ways.
I have Now got New Designs on Merchandise @ #Redbubble.com,Teespring.com,Threadless.com and Society6 as you can see by the Pictures so Please come check them out. Some great gifts to be had for you or your Loved ones.
Also I’m in the process of setting up My Etsy shop Oneideatoday.Creative ( However it seems there is a Learning curve I need to get The hang of).
So Thats me at the moment and Hopefully Normal service can Resume.
Oneideatoday xxx
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